Our Club is delighted to have been able to support emergency repairs to the nave beam of St John’s Church with a grant of £7,000. Press coverage has been given in the both the Bromsgrove Advertiser and Standard newspapers. https://bromsgrovestandard.co.uk/news/friends-of-bromsgroves-historic-st-johns-church-beaming-after-grants-see-repair-work-completed/
Friends of St John’s Chairman Jo Slade said everyone was enormously grateful to the Rotary Club of Bromsgrove for their continued support and delighted to be awarded the Council’s Community Grant.
She added, “It was important the work was carried out quickly and that the problem didn’t get any worse. With the age of the original oak beams, and the height at which work was carried out, this was always going to be a costly repair.”
The church has reopened now that the beam is safe.
Rotary Club President Tony Docherty said: “We recognise the importance of St John’s Church to Bromsgrove as a heritage building and as a community asset, and so we were delighted to be able to help with the financing of the nave beam project.”